
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

DayOne and the Bumlife

Here are some things I learned during my 3 weeks in between jobs this year.

1.  It is really exciting and exhilarating to have every day feel like a Saturday.
The sheer joy of waking up and knowing you don't have to be anywhere anytime soon is blissful beyond belief.

2.  The hours run faster.  Not really but it feels like it.  Lunch time comes sooner than when I was in a cubicle farm.  Then, all of a sudden, it starts getting dark and its dinner time.

3.  My "golden hours" are 6:00am to 10:00am.  Ever since the ocean poisoned my mind with waves, my early mornings were spent in her embrace.  My day officially begins after that and then my stupid brain tells me that I need to do something productive before the day is over.

4.  Solitude allows your brain to think in an uninterrupted flow.  So many of my working hours were spent managing interruptions and occasionally accommodating them in a bid to be "helpful".

5.  This may sound contradictory to the previous point but my best day was when my lovely wife Smita took a day off to hang out with me.  Sharing this joy, bliss and temporary timelessness with her was really special.

6.  There is a satiety and sense of accomplishment when finishing off projects big and small that I had sidelined for quite a while.  Here is the short version of my honey-do-list.
Car service
Fixed toilet
Filing old and new paperwork
Cleaning out the garage
Cleaning and repairing windows and blinds
Installing  exterior motion detection lights
Replacing satellite tv with free tv
Weeding out the flowerbeds
Mowing and fertilizing the lawn
Playing with the kids 

7.  There are a lot of folks faffing about during the day.  I wondered if they are night/graveyard shifters, retirees, unemployed or just #bumlife like me.  This made me think about how I might want to fill my "non golden hours" when I do retire.  I certainly cannot be in the ocean all day even if I could (I tried) and the honey-do-list can be checked off if one really tried.

8.  Smiling while bike riding will get you in trouble sometimes.  I made it a point to take my bike with me everyday for an afternoon beach strand ride.  I didn't realize I was smiling as I was biking along and someone actually asked "What the hell are you so smug about?"  My reply..."LIFE!!" 
10.  I was completely spent by the evening.  In my working mode, my bed never saw me before 10:30pm or even 11:30pm on somUKe days.  The bumlife introduced me to my bed at 9:00pm or 9:30pm latest. It is hard work being a bum. 

I have unlearned some things and learned others and each day felt like day one.  It is that feeling you have when you are trying something for the very first time.  I plan to take that on to the next chapter and when I feel stressed or boxed in, I can look back on the #bumlife and the many #dayones I had.  

Friday, November 14, 2014

Change and Making Memories

The second half of this year has been a whirlwind of change and making new memories.  I will let the videos do the talking this time.  Beware this is a long post.  Hopefully it makes up for the long hiatus.

Friday, July 04, 2014

My Land is Kenya

I will let the pictures do the talking about my trip to my motherland this June 2014.

Pre-flight jitters

Fun with KK on the first night

KK and Dennis on the first night

2nd Night going strong
Farmers Choice sauseges...a must for any Kenyan

Sunday Mass with Mum at Consolata

Mum and Dennis at Consolata

First time with the niece Kendi at Uncle Boney Ms...yes I said Boney M.
Rice from Mwea Tebere rice paddies

Road trip to Meru to see my grandmother.

First time in a long time with my grandmother who is at least 93

Ear to ear smiles with Jojo (Kimeru for Grandmother)

Dennis with Jojo

Another one with Jojo

Ancestral land: Keria, Meru is a beautiful place

Ancestral land passed down generation to generation

Group selfie with Uncles from far and wide

Meru Kilimo lodge with thatched cottages...peaceful

Dennis feeling the peace too

Legendary samosas from Meekays in Keria, Meru.  An Indian-Meru establishment that we visited since we were ~5.

Pit stop at Isaac Walton Inn, Embu..another must do for a trip to Meru

Moscow is Far Far Away!

Mr B. K DAD!

Visiting Auntie Eunice
KK organized a meetup of the cousins at For You Chinese Restaurant
Coming soon...Foresight College in Kitengela near Nairobi
Boys and MOM!

Visiting friends in Muthaiga North

Visiting Auntie Silvia

Group shot with Auntie Silvia and Kagwe
Baby Jazmyne Kagure in my hands!!!
Master Greg Wahome..all grown up! big Sis!!

Master Ian and Master Greg....time flies!

Getting serious now!

My nephews..Greg and Ian sporting the cool shades.

The Twins

Kags also known as Baby Jaz

Dad and Dennis glowing over Kags

Jaz enjoying grandpas kisses
Mrs R. N MOM!!!
Just me and my big Sis Karegi!