
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Knuckle Sandwich?

Before the knuckle sandwich.
After.  Blotting the blood out.
After.  What a brave boy!
No. It's not what you think. I didn't give my son a knuckle sandwich.

Luke lost his first baby tooth today and we took before and after pictures.

Congrats Luke!!
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Saturday, June 25, 2011


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Itsy Bitsy Spider.

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African attire

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Friday, June 17, 2011

Luke Graduated!

Luke graduated from pre-kindergarten today.  Yes, it is an event so stop snickering and read on.

We were most proud of the fact that Luke was picked alongside Victoria to do the opening recital poem.
Smita helped him memorize that so I guess Smita graduated too.  Stop snickering!

Afterwards, just the boys(Luke and I) went to Universal Studios for some well deserved fun!
Here are the 2 video clips.  Photos coming soon.

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Sea Food anyone?

Pretty large one so don't look if you don't like sea creatures.

The fisherman proceeded to slice his head open but I won't post that video for those viewers that don't like to know where their food comes from.
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Smita's 25th Birthday Anniversary!

So Smita celebrated her 25th birthday anniversary recently so we went out to dinner while Daddy babysat the kids. (with a little help)
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Guuka was here.

It was a quick short visit but yes indeed Guuka(grandpa) was here.

It was so great to have my Daddy here and the kids really enjoyed
having him here too.

We should have taken more pictures. :-(
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