
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Thank God!

I always knew the hard questions would come and that I would struggle to answer them.
Well, today Luke asked me a 'stunner-question'.

'Dad, how come there are so many brown people playing sports? I noticed it in Football and Basketball.' 

Wowzer! I proceeded to tell him about God given talents which was pretty well received because..Thank God!..todays Gospel was about....talents! You see, Luke has been following the little kids into the 'little church' where they have a 'little mass' and clearly he paid attention today.

Suffice it to say that I think I did better than Rick Perry would have with the question. If you don't know who that is, Google it.

Have a great week!

Saturday 6AM before the surf session.

Saturday 10AM after Surf.
I took this through my polarized sunglasses

Saturday 10AM same shot as above.
Crowded line-up in the surf but a beautiful day.

1 comment:

  1. Lol! I'm dreading the questions too;) and yes the kids need their own blog;)
